

Hennigan, Christopher J., Michael H. Bergin, and Rodney J. Weber. “Correlations between water-soluble organic aerosol and water vapor: a synergistic effect from biogenic emissions?” Environmental Science & Technology 42, no. 24 (December 2008): 9079–85.

Hennigan, C. J., M. H. Bergin, J. E. Dibb, and R. J. Weber. “Enhanced secondary organic aerosol formation due to water uptake by fine particles.” Geophysical Research Letters 35, no. 18 (September 28, 2008).

Anderson, C., J. E. Dibb, R. J. Griffin, and M. H. Bergin. “Simultaneous measurements of particulate and gas-phase water-soluble organic carbon concentrations at remote and urban-influenced locations.” Geophysical Research Letters 35, no. 13 (July 16, 2008).

Anderson, C. H., J. E. Dibb, R. J. Griffin, G. S. W. Hagler, and M. H. Bergin. “Atmospheric water-soluble organic carbon measurements at Summit, Greenland.” Atmospheric Environment 42, no. 22 (July 1, 2008): 5612–21.

Hagler, G. S. W., M. H. Bergin, E. A. Smith, M. Town, and J. E. Dibb. “Local anthropogenic impact on particulate elemental carbon concentrations at Summit, Greenland.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8, no. 9 (May 5, 2008): 2485–91.

Shafer, M., J. Schauer, and M. Bergin. “Novel optical absorption approach for black carbon (BC) measurement in snow.” In ACS, Division of Environmental Chemistry - Preprints of Extended Abstracts, 48:451–56, 2008.

Shafer, Martin M., James J. Schauer, and Mike Bergin. “ENVR 128-Novel optical absorption approach for black carbon (BC) measurement in snow.” In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 235, 2008.


Hagler, G. S. W., M. H. Bergin, E. A. Smith, and J. E. Dibb. “A summer time series of particulate carbon in the air and snow at Summit, Greenland.” Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 112, no. 21 (November 16, 2007).

Luckarift, Heather R., Roby Greenwald, Mike H. Bergin, Jim C. Spain, and Glenn R. Johnson. “Biosensor system for continuous monitoring of organophosphate aerosols.” Biosensors & Bioelectronics 23, no. 3 (October 2007): 400–406.

Hagler, G. S. W., M. H. Bergin, L. G. Salmon, J. Z. Yu, E. C. H. Wan, M. Zheng, L. M. Zeng, C. S. Kiang, Y. H. Zhang, and J. J. Schauer. “Local and regional anthropogenic influence on PM2.5 elements in Hong Kong.” Atmospheric Environment 41, no. 28 (September 1, 2007): 5994–6004.

Hagler, G. S. W., M. H. Bergin, E. A. Smith, J. E. Dibb, C. Anderson, and E. J. Steig. “Particulate and water-soluble carbon measured in recent snow at Summit, Greenland.” Geophysical Research Letters 34, no. 16 (August 28, 2007).

Greenwald, R., M. H. Bergin, R. Weber, and A. Sullivan. “Size-resolved, real-time measurement of water-insoluble aerosols in metropolitan Atlanta during the summer of 2004.” Atmospheric Environment 41, no. 3 (January 1, 2007): 519–31.

Grannas, A. M., A. E. Jones, J. Dibb, M. Ammann, C. Anastasio, H. J. Beine, M. Bergin, et al. “An overview of snow photochemistry: Evidence, mechanisms and impacts.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7, no. 16 (January 1, 2007): 4329–73.


Zheng, M., G. S. W. Hagler, L. Ke, M. H. Bergin, F. Wang, P. K. K. Louie, L. Salmon, D. W. M. Sin, J. Z. Yu, and J. J. Schauer. “Composition and sources of carbonaceous aerosols at three contrasting sites in Hong Kong.” Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 111, no. 20 (October 27, 2006).

Greenwald, R., M. H. Bergin, J. Xu, D. Cohan, G. Hoogenboom, and W. L. Chameides. “The influence of aerosols on crop production: A study using the CERES crop model.” Agricultural Systems 89, no. 2–3 (September 1, 2006): 390–413.

Hagler, G. S. W., M. H. Bergin, L. G. Salmon, J. Z. Yu, E. C. H. Wan, M. Zheng, L. M. Zeng, et al. “Source areas and chemical composition of fine particulate matter in the Pearl River Delta region of China.” Atmospheric Environment 40, no. 20 (June 1, 2006): 3802–15.

Greenwald, R., M. H. Bergin, J. L. Jaffrezo, G. Aymoz, and J. L. Besombes. “Size-resolved, real-time measurement of water-insoluble aerosols in the Chamonix and Maurienne valleys of alpine France.” Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 111, no. 9 (May 16, 2006).

Streets, David G., Carolyne Yu, Michael H. Bergin, Xuemei Wang, and Gregory R. Carmichael. “Modeling study of air pollution due to the manufacture of export goods in China's Pearl River Delta.” Environmental Science & Technology 40, no. 7 (April 2006): 2099–2107.


Greenwald, Roby, Michael H. Bergin, Christian M. Carrico, and Don Grant. “New real-time technique to measure the size distribution of water-insoluble aerosols.” Environmental Science & Technology 39, no. 13 (July 2005): 4967–73.

Bergin, M. H. “Radiative forcing by anthropogenic aerosols: Sources and impacts.” In Urbanization, Energy, and Air Pollution in China, 155–67, 2005.


Tan, Q., W. L. Chameides, D. Streets, T. Wang, J. Xu, M. Bergin, and J. Woo. “An evaluation of TRACE-P emission inventories from China using a regional model and chemical measurements.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109, no. 22 (November 27, 2004): 1–21.

Xu, J., M. H. Bergin, R. Greenwald, J. J. Schauer, M. M. Shafer, J. L. Jaffrezo, and G. Aymoz. “Aerosol chemical, physical, and radiative characteristics near a desert source region of northwest China during ACE-Asia.” Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 109, no. 19 (October 16, 2004).

Zhang, Y., X. Zhu, S. Slanina, M. Shao, L. Zeng, M. Hu, M. Bergin, and L. Salmon. “Aerosol pollution in some Chinese cities: (IUPAC Technical Report).” Pure and Applied Chemistry 76, no. 6 (January 1, 2004): 1227–39.


Carrico, C. M., M. H. Bergin, J. Xu, K. Baumann, and H. Maring. “Urban aerosol radiative properties: Measurements during the 1999 Atlanta supersite experiment.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108, no. 7 (April 16, 2003).

Xu, J., M. H. Bergin, R. Greenwald, and P. B. Russell. “Direct aerosol radiative forcing in the Yangtze delta region of China: Observation and model estimation.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108, no. 2 (January 27, 2003).